Over the last year, the European Commission has been organising a series of technical webinars focused on the programming and management of EU funds for the 2021-2027 programming period. They are particularly dedicated to national Managing Authorities working on programming and implementation.
The agendas, presentations and recordings of these webinars are publicly available and can be an interesting source of reference for authorities involved in the programming and implementation of the funds.
Webinars address European Cohesion Funds as well as other financial instruments such as the Just Transition Fund, the REACT-EU or the InvestEU programme and financial instruments under shared management. They also review aspects related to the programming and implementation of funds as well as other more general aspects such as the enabling conditions.
Technical webinar on outstanding issues related to policy programming and implementation
The next webinar will take place on 16 June. It will focus on remaining issues of 2021-2027 programming. Speakers from Directorates-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) and Employment, and Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL) will provide updated information on the outstanding issues related to cohesion policy programming in the 2021-2027 programming period.
Topics to be addressed include:
- The treatment of horizontal and other principles (including the Partnership Principle)
- Aspects related to programming and template-related issues (e.g. justification of the form of support, performance framework, transfers, thematic concentration, cofinancing rate, technical assistance, operations of strategic importance, Just transition Fund, roadmaps on administrative capacity building, cooperation under mainstream programmes…) as well as implementation issues (Monitoring committee set up and communication).