The aim is to gather views from a broad range of stakeholders on Member States’ measures to promote equality, inclusion and participation of Roma, with a special focus on the use of the Funds. Deadline for contribution is 2 February 2024.

On 5 January 2024 the European Commission published a call for evidence to gather feedback from relevant stakeholders on the implementation of the national Roma strategic frameworks. This call for evidence will assess Member States’ measures to promote equality, inclusion and participation of Roma, with a focus on the areas for improvement identified in the Commission’s 2023 Assessment report of the Member States’ national Roma strategic frameworks, with a special focus, among others, on the use of funds.

The contributions to this call will be taken into consideration for a Communication that will report on the steps taken by Member States to ensure the proper implementation of their national Roma strategic frameworks to support the achievement of the EU level headline targets. This Communication is part of the European Commission’s regular reporting and monitoring process on the implementation of the EU Strategic Framework on Roma, which includes biennial reports from Member States on the implementation of their national Roma strategy frameworks from 2023 onwards, as well as input from civil society and data from the FRA.

The Communication will report in particular on how Member States have tackled or are planning to tackle areas for improvement identified by the Commission in its assessment of national strategic frameworks, with a special focus, among others, on the use of funds. It will contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the EU Roma Framework which aims to ensure that Roma individuals and communities, in all their diversity, have equal opportunities in all spheres of life, benefit from socio-economic inclusion and participate equally in society.

This Communication will support further effective EU and national policymaking in this area and provide feedback and guidance to Member States to achieve collectively the targets set in the EU Roma strategic framework.

How to contribute?

Contributions to this initiative can be provided in any of the 24 EU official languages, in a text of up to 4 000 characters and by uploading a file containing research or findings that support the main ideas. The call is open for feedback until 2 February 2024, being addressed to a wide range of stakeholders, such as national authorities in charge of implementing the national Roma strategic frameworks; the European network of equality bodies (EQUINET); civil society organisations; the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA); universities and research institutes.

The adoption of the Commission’s Communication is planned for the second quarter of 2024.

Further information