Organised on 1 October in Brussels, the meeting focused on how to address territorial inequalities and harness spatial planning to promote Roma equality, inclusion and participation.

The European Platform for Roma Inclusion (EPRI) took place in Brussels on 1 October, organised by the European Commission under the Hungarian Presidency of the Council. It brought together national governments, representatives of EU institutions and international organisations, as well as civil society organisations with the aim of stimulating cooperation and exchanges of experiences between the different actors on successful policies and practices in relation to Roma inclusion.

Besides plenary sessions, specific workshops were organised on the following topics:

  • How can spatial planning contribute to tackling spatial segregation and environmental inequalities faced by Roma?
  • The role of spatial planning in promoting e-inclusion and tackling digital inequalities.
  • Strengthening Roma participation in spatial planning at local and regional level.
  • The role of multi-level and multi-actor governance in promoting Roma equality and inclusion.

Speakers included a wide variety of stakeholders. including high-level representatives such as European Commission’s Vice-President and Commissioner for Values and Transparency Věra Jourová and Commissionners for Equality (Hellena Dalli), and for Cohesion and Reforms (Elisa Ferreira).

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