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EURoma Checklist for the Effective Inclusion of Roma Interventions within European Cohesion Policy Funds programming 2021-2027
EURoma Network releases this document to provide recommendations on how to set adequate basis in the programming documents, mainly the Partnership Agreement and the EU Cohesion Funds programmes, to ensure that measures implemented in the future have a real impact and...
Adopted EU Employment guidelines and Roma
In the context of the 2025 European Semester cycle, the Council has adopted the guidelines for Member States’ employment policies. They call on Member States to tackle discrimination in all its forms, to ensure gender equality and to support the employment of groups...
Relevant priorities of the Polish Presidency of the EU
From 1 January to 30 June 2025, Poland will hold the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. With the Polish Presidency starts the next trio of Presidencues, composed of Poland, Denmark and Cyprus, which will work following a common agenda. Poland is taking...
European Commission publishes report on the implementation of NRSFs
The report focuses on the areas identified in the Commission’s initial stock-taking as requiring further improvement and monitoring, while also briefly addressing other sectoral areas and the use of funds. EURoma Network is mentioned as a tool to promote the...
European Parliament approves the composition of the new European Commission
On 27 November, with a total of 370 votes in favour, the European Parliament approved the new composition of the College of Commissioners who will accompany Commission President Ursula von der Leyen for the next 5 years. The College of Commissioners is composed of the...
EURoma organises its first meeting of 2024 in Rome
Hosted by the Italian partners and with the support of the Italian NRCP (National Office Against Racial Discrimination- UNAR), the meeting gathered EURoma partner authorities from 14 Member States, as well as representatives from the European Commission and of other...
EURoma Reference Document: Calls for proposals- a key element to achieve Roma equality and inclusion
This reference document aims to gather, based on partners’ experience and reflections within the Network, aspects to be considered by relevant authorities in the design and launch of the calls for proposals of the 2021-2027 programming period to ensure that they set...
Hungarian EU Presidency: relevant elements for Roma equality and inclusion and for EU Funds
Under its seven thematic areas of work, the Presidency will work on several initiatives of relevance for Roma equality and inclusion as well a for EU Funds, including on the future of Cohesion Policy or territorial inequalities. EURoma will follow closely the...
Council Conclusions on access to services by people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, including Roma
On 2 December the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council adopted the Council Conclusions elaborated under the Hungarian EU Presidency on improving access to services to promote the social inclusion of people at risk of poverty or social...
Achievements of the Spanish EU Presidency of the Council regarding Roma and the use of funds for equality and inclusion
Under the recently concluded Spanish Presidency of the EU Council (July-December 2023), a wide range of initiatives of particular relevance to Roma equality and inclusion as well as to EU Funds were developed. These include: Housing Council Conclusions on Measures to...
European Parliament own-initiative report on the ESF+ post-2027
As part of the reflections and contribution to the design of Cohesion Policy beyond 2027, the European Parliament is working on an own-initiative report on the European Social Fund Plus post-2027. The Committee on Employment and Social Affairs is taking the lead of...
EURoma participates in European Platform for Roma Inclusion
Organised on 1 October in Brussels, the meeting focused on how to address territorial inequalities and harness spatial planning to promote Roma equality, inclusion and participation. The European Platform for Roma Inclusion (EPRI) took place in Brussels on 1 October,...
Council adopts Conclusions on labour and skills shortages in the EU
Although the conclusions do not mention Roma people, Member States are invited to implement measures focusing on young people and paying a special attention to NEETs, group in which Roma are overrepresented. They are also asked to make full use of relevant EU funding...
EURoma meeting reviews how to ensure that territorial approach is inclusive with Roma
Representatives of EURoma partner authorities, European Commission and other relevant stakeholders also had the opportunity to exchange on other relevant aspects related to the use of EU Funds to promote Roma equality and inclusion, including relevant policy and...
Next EURoma meeting will pay particular attention to ensuring that territorial approach is inclusive with Roma
EURoma Network will hold its next Management Committee meeting on 24-25 October in Budapest, hosted by Hungarian partners. EURoma Network partner authorities (notably National Roma Contact Points and public authorities in charge of ESF+ and ERDF) from 12 EU Member...
New publication on impact of EU Cohesion Policy 2014-2020
The publication “Bridging Gaps: EU Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 - Creating a better life for Europeans” aims to offer a deep dive into the Cohesion Policy. While Cohesion Policy is delivered through three funds (ESF, ERDF and CF), this publication focuses mainly on the...
Report on Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion: achievements, challenges and lessons learned
On 27 March the European Commission published the 9th Cohesion Report on Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion presenting an assessment of the state of cohesion in the Union thirty years after the parallel launch of the European Single Market and of a reinforced...
9th European Cohesion Policy Forum gathers relevant stakeholders to discuss on post-2027 period
The European Commission organised on 11-12 April the 9th Cohesion Forum with a view to gather relevant stakeholders (including EU institutions, national, regional and local authorities from all Member States, social and economic partners, non-governmental...
European Commission toolkit on the use of EU funds for investments in social housing and associated services
It aims to provide inspiration and ensure that EU funding opportunities are maximised to achieve real impact by reviewing how nine EU Funds can support investments in these fields. The toolkit also includes cases studies as well as country factsheets. The housing...
EURoma takes part at European Commission’s consultation group on EU Funds
EURoma is a member of this group which gathers key stakeholders at EU level related to the funds established under the CPR in the 2021-2027 programming period to assist the European Commission on questions related to their implementation. On 12 June, the Technical...
Who is who
Network partners Public bodies in charge of Roma policies and of European Cohesion Policy Funds Under the leadership of the Spanish ESF Managing Authority, the Network gathers public bodies from 15 EU Member States, including those States with the highest Roma...
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