Network partners
Public bodies in charge of Roma policies and of European Cohesion Policy Funds
Under the leadership of the Spanish ESF Managing Authority, the Network gathers public bodies from 15 EU Member States, including those States with the highest Roma population, as well as those that are countries of origin and destination of a large number of migrant Roma.
Each partner country is represented by two types of bodies:
- Public bodies in charge of European Cohesion Policy Funds of relevance for Roma equality and inclusion (particularly European Social Fund/European Social Fund Plus (ESF/ESF+) and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)). These include: Managing Authorities, delegated Intermediate Bodies/Implementing Authorities or other general structures of management of these funds.
- Public bodies responsible for the policies targeting Roma population, notably the National Contact Points for the different national Roma inclusion strategies/frameworks (NRCPs).
Technical Secretariat
Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) holds the Technical Secretariat of the Network.
The Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) is a social and intercultural organisation that has been working for more than 40 years on promoting and securing equal opportunities for the Roma community in Spain and Europe.
Other relevant stakeholders
The European Commission
The Network also counts with the participation of the European Commission (in particular, the Directorate-General Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, the Directorate-General Justice and the Directorate-General Regional Policy).
The involvement of the European Commission is crucial to the Network´s alignment with the EU principles and agenda and in creating valuable synergies between this Institution and the Network.
Other relevant actors
Other actors relevant for Roma equality and inclusion and for the management of European Cohesion Policy Funds are invited to participate in some of the Network activities, including European institutions and European and international organisations, as well as regional and local administrations and non-governmental organisations.
The Network also seeks to strengthen cooperation and synergies with European institutions/bodies, European networks and platforms and working spaces for National Roma Contact Points and European Cohesion Policy Funds management bodies.
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