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VII World Congress of International Romani Union
24th - 25th October 2008 | Zagreb, Republic of Croatia
Multiple Discrimination: time to take action?
16 October 2008 | Brussels, European Parliament
The State’s Role in Providing Appropriate Housing Conditions in Roma Communities
October 28 – 29, 2008. | Bucharest, Romania This Round Table is organised by PER (Project on Ethnic Relations). Key stakeholders will discuss on topics such as policy efforts for Roma housing in Europe and successful examples, the role of the State (national and local...
Meeting of the Italian National Network for the social inclusion of Roma people
28 October, 2008 | Rome, ItalyParticipants: Ministry for Foreign AffairsMinistry of EducationMinistry of Economic DevelopmentMinistry of InteriorPresidency of Council – National Office against Racial Discrimination (UNAR) National Institute for the development of...
FRA Diversity Day
10th November 2008 | Vienna, Austria
Ethnic Groups and Social Inclusion in Education and Training
13-14 November 2008 | Torino, Italy For further information, please visit the following link
EQUAL Community Initiative Closing Conference
24-25 November, 2008 | Budapest, Hungary Invitation Agenda
International Conference on Roma (Southeast) Europe’s Unknown Minority
1st and 2nd December 2008 | Berlin, Germany Agenda
Powering a New Future: European Meeting on Social Innovation and Transnational Cooperation
11th and 12th December 2008 | Lisbon, Portugal Programme of the event
Expert preparatory meeting for defining EU Integrated Platform for Roma Inclusion
26th and 27th February 2009 | Prague, Czech Republic Programme of the meeting
Study Visit to the ACCEDER Programme in Spain
11th, 12th and 13th of March 2009 | Madrid, Spain Agenda of the visit
Publication of ECRI General Policy Recommendation No.12 on combating racism and racial discrimination in the field of sport
21th March 2009 | Strasbourg (France)Organised by the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance.For further information click here
A Joint Policy Approach to Romani Women’s Economic, Social and Political Empowerment by learning from Contemporary World Developments
26 – 27 March, 2009 | Sofia, BulgariaThe Bulgarian National Decade Coordinator and Ministry of Labor and Social Policy are planning to organize an International Conference, which will be held on 26 – 27 March 2009 in Sofia
Regional workshop on indicators and monitoring for the Decade of Roma Inclusion
Belgrade, 31st March and 1st April 2009 | Belgrade, SerbiaThe main objectives of the workshop are: to provide different options for production of statistics on Roma – presenting existing practices applied in selected countries of the region to introduce to...
EURoma analiza cómo se incluye a la población gitana en los Acuerdos de Asociación y Programas Operativos, incluyendo en la Iniciativa de Empleo Juvenil
En este momento de transición entre los periodos de programación 2007-2013 y 2014-2020 de los Fondos Estructurales y de Inversión Europeos, la red EURoma celebra su segunda reunión el 27 y 28 de noviembre en Viena, con los socios austriacos como anfitriones. La Red...
Lanzada la versión checa de la Guía de EURoma para autoridades locales
Ya está disponible la versión checa de la guía de EURoma "¿Cómo utilizar los Fondos Estructurales y de Inversión Europeos para la inclusión de la población gitana?.- Guía para autoridades locales". También está disponible en inglés, búlgaro, croata y español. La...
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