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Council adopts EU legislation to strengthen the role of equality bodies to combat discrimination
The two new Drirectives should improve the effectiveness and guarantee the independence of these bodies to promote equal treatment, combat discrimination and provide assistance to victims, including on the basis of ethnic origin. After a process lasting several...
EUROMA participates in Seminar on Roma inclusion in Slovakia organised by European Commission DG REGIO
EURoma Technical Secretariat participated in the seminar "Inclusion as a partnership-from strategies to actions. Social inclusion of Roma in Slovakia and the Czechia", organised by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Regional Policy (DG REGIO) in Kosice...
Keys for Roma equality and inclusion and for EU Funds in the Belgian Presidency of the Council
The Presidency of the Council of the European Union is held by Belgium from 1 January to 30 June 2024. It will develop its activities around 6 priority areas under the motto “protect, strengthen, prepare”, aiming at working towards better protecting European citizens,...
Value and impact of the Network
During its years of work, EURoma has been not only highly valued by relevant actors but was also one of the most active transnational networks. Both the Network partners and the European Commission value positively the work and impact of EURoma, which has become a...
EURoma Network was launched in 2007 by the Spanish Government (Spanish ESF Managing Authority) in cooperation with Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) and builds on the successful experience of Spain using Structural Funds for Roma inclusion (in particular, the...
About us
The European Network on Roma Inclusion under EU Funds (EURoma Network) brings together public authorities responsible for Roma policies and those responsible for European Cohesion Policy Funds from fifteen EU Member States, as well as the European Commission, with the...
EURoma Reference Document: Calls for proposals- a key element to achieve Roma equality and inclusion
This reference document aims to gather, based on partners’ experience and reflections within the Network, aspects to be considered by relevant authorities in the design and launch of the calls for proposals of the 2021-2027 programming period to ensure that they set...
FRA report on compliance of EU Funds with fundamental rights
This report reflects on how to guarantee that the funds covered by the Common Provisions Regulations (CPR) 2021-2027 are used in a manner that promotes and respects fundamental rights and does not lead to or enhance any violations of such rights. To this end, it...
Report of Group of High-Level Specialists on the Future of Cohesion Policy
The report aims to assess the functioning of Cohesion Policy up to now and put forward recommendations on how to ensure that it continues to promote prosperity and convergence across the EU beyond 2027. Recommendations will feed into the ongoing process of reflection...
EURoma+ Network
From February 2013 to February 2015, the work of the EURoma Network was complemented by the work of the European Social Fund (ESF) Learning Network “Reinforcing policy learning for Roma inclusion” (also referred to as ‘EURoma+ Network’ or ‘ESF Roma Inclusion...
2023 European Commission Summary Report on the Implementation of ESI Funds
The report reviews the implementation of ESI Funds (ESF, ERDF, CF, EAFRD and EMFF) until the end of 2022, building upon the annual implementation reports submitted by the Member States, as well as the evaluations done by the Commission.It also makes reference to the...
Contribute to European Commission’s mid-term evaluation on ESF+
In the framework of the ESF+ mid-term evaluation, the European Commission is seeking views on effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and EU added value of the ESF+ since its entry into force until end 2023. The consultation is open until 13 February. The...
European Commission calls for evidence on implementation of NRIS
The aim is to gather views from a broad range of stakeholders on Member States’ measures to promote equality, inclusion and participation of Roma, with a special focus on the use of the Funds. Deadline for contribution is 2 February 2024. On 5 January 2024 the...
Latest EURoma Network meeting focuses on residential situation of Roma and the role of EU Funds to address it
The meeting was jointly organised with the 22nd NRCPs meeting, led by European Commission DG Justice, and under the Spanish EU Presidency. It followed, and aimed to complement, the European Platform for Roma Inclusion held the day before. On 1 December, EURoma Network...
Latest EURoma meeting pays particular attention to employment and training of Roma
Representatives of EURoma partner organisations, European Commission as well as other relevant stakeholders also exchanged about other relevant EU developments related to Roma equality and inclusion as well as to European Cohesion Policy Funds. On 6-7 June, EURoma...
Council calls for action on equal access for Roma to adequate and desegregated housing
Adopted under the leadership of the Spanish EU Presidency, this Council Conclusions represent a relevant step forward by putting on the political agenda the situation faced by many Roma as regards the equal access to adequate and desegregated housing (and notably the...
The role of Recovery and Resilience funds to promote Roma equality and inclusion
Recovery and Resilience (RRF) Funds can play a significant role in the promotion of Roma equality and inclusion, along with other funding sources such as European Cohesion Policy Funds such as the ESF+ and ERDF. Aware of this, EURoma follows closely the Recovery and...
Spanish Presidency of the Council: what’s in for Roma and for EU Funds
Spain holds the six-month rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union from 1 July to 31 December 2023. Under the motto ‘Europe, closer’, and working around four priority areas, Spain seeks to advance in European unity, bringing citizens closer to the...
EUROMA Reference Document: How to guarantee that the European Child Guarantee efficiently tackles Roma children’s poverty and inequality gap?
This reference document identifies critical aspects to consider in the context of the Child Guarantee National Action Plans and of the 2021-2027 programming period of the European Cohesion Policy Funds 2021-2027 (notably ESF+ and ERDF) in order to guarantee that they...
EUROMA Reference Document: How to guarantee that the European Child Guarantee efficiently tackles Roma children’s poverty and inequality gap?
This reference document identifies critical aspects to consider in the context of the Child Guarantee National Action Plans and of the 2021-2027 programming period of the European Cohesion Policy Funds 2021-2027 (notably ESF+ and ERDF) in order to guarantee that they...
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