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New publications on the use of ESF+ for social innovation and experimentation
The work to promote equality, inclusion and non-discrimination of the Roma population is one that could benefit from social innovation and social experimentation. In a rapidly changing world, where new challenges (such as the green and digital transition, Covid-19,...
EURoma Snapshot: how ESI Funds are used to address the impact of COVID-19 crisis on Roma
The majority of countries covered are already or are planning to develop special measures to address the situation within the framework of ESI Funds and other EU Funds (notably FEAD), complemented in most cases with actions funded by national resources (at national,...
Updated EURoma’s position paper on 2021-2027 ESF+ Regulation
EURoma closely follows the discussions on the post-2020 EU Multiannual Financial Framework, including on the future ESI Funds Regulations, and actively contributes to them based on Network partners’ experience and ongoing reflection processes within the Network....
EURoma Checklist for the Effective Inclusion of Roma Interventions within European Cohesion Policy Funds programming 2021-2027
EURoma Network releases this document to provide recommendations on how to set adequate basis in the programming documents, mainly the Partnership Agreement and the EU Cohesion Funds programmes, to ensure that measures implemented in the future have a real impact and...
FRA Fundamental Rights Report 2022 specifically addresses Roma equality and inclusion
In addition to the mentions to Roma throughout the report, one of the chapters is specifically devoted to Roma equality and inclusion. European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)’s Fundamental Rights Report 2022 reviews major developments in the field in 2021,...
ESF Transnational Cooperation Platform organises “Transnational Cooperation under ESF+: Building on what works” Conference
The European Commission launched the European Social Fund (ESF) Transnational Cooperation Platform in 2020. The platform builds on work conducted by nine thematic networks operating between 2015 and 2019. It aims to: Improve cooperation between stakeholders in all...
Commission launches online platform of ESF and ERDF-funded projects
The ‘Kohesio’ platform makes available to public information held by Managing Authorities on over 1.5 million projects in all 27 Member States financed by the ESF, the ERDF and the Cohesion Fund since 2014. The setting up and expansion of this platform requires a...
14-15 June: Next EURoma online Management Committee meeting
Partners will review the latest EU developments and discuss on key elements to be considered in the 2021-2027 EU Cohesion Funds programmes to ensure they effectively consider Roma population. EURoma Network will hold its next Management Committee meeting on 14-15 June...
Ensuring adequate and effective funds for Roma equality, inclusion and participation addressed at Romani Week 2022
This will be one of the large variety of topics that will be covered in the context of this European event, which will take place from 16 to 19 May. Hosted every year since 2016 by the European Parliament, the Romani Week consists of a series of events on...
Proposals for an EU Framework for Roma equality and inclusion post-2020
Read about EURoma’s views and proposals regarding a potential EU Framework for Roma equality and inclusion after 2020. EURoma closely follows the discussions on the future of the current EU Framework for National Roma Inclusion Strategies (NRIS) and actively...
EURoma online Managing Committee on impact of COVID19 on Roma,new EC Strategic Framework for Roma 2020-2030 and 2021-2027 MFF programming
On 14-15 October 2020, the EURoma online Network Management Committee shared information and views on the new EC Strategic Framework for Roma Equality, and put together strategic ideas for programming EU Funds aligned with Roma Policy Priorities. With over 70...
EURoma Checklist for the Effective Inclusion of Roma Interventions within European Cohesion Policy Funds programming 2021-2027 programming periodible for programming EU Cohesion Funds in MS and EU
EURoma Network releases this document to provide recommendations on how to set adequate basis in the programming documents, mainly the Partnership Agreement and the EU Cohesion Funds programmes, to ensure that measures implemented in the future have a real impact and...
EURoma partners review latest EU developments and exchange on the elaboration of 2021-2027 ESF+ and ERDF programmes
The latest EURoma Management Committee meeting, held on 13-14 December, gathered representatives of 13 EURoma partner countries and of the European Commission to review relevant EU financial and policy developments and to exchange on how Roma equality, inclusion and...
European Parliament and Member States reach a political agreement on ESF+ Regulation: a specific objective on Roma socioeconomic inclusion is adopted and children poverty and youth employment become priorities
A Specific Objective (viiia) on Promoting socioeconomic integration of marginalised communities such as the Roma has been approved, allowing for specific fund allocation to promote employment, housing, education and fight against discrimination. The political...
Guidance note on the collection and use of equality data based on racial or ethnic origin
Understanding and managing data, and specifically equality data, are essential to be able to evaluate the situation of ethnic minorities and other racialised groups, such as the Roma people, with the aim of fighting against racism and systemic inequalities. Few EU...
EURoma Network holds its second online Management Committee meeting
Partners reviewed the latest EU developments and discussed on key elements to be considered in the 2021-2027 EU Cohesion Funds programmes to ensure they effectively consider Roma population. EURoma Network held its latest Management Committee meeting on 29-30 June...
2021 Roma Week addresses the use of EU funds for Roma inclusion
The Roma Week will take place online on 27-30 September under the patronage of the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Council. It will consist of a series of events, including one on the use of EU funding for Roma inclusion. 2021 Roma Week will be...
FRA Report on Fundamental Rights in Europe 2021
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has published its annual report on Fundamental Rights 2021, which covers all aspects related to fundamental rights in Europe during 2020. The report covers the 27 EU Member States as well as the Republic of North Macedonia...
EC launches new EU Roma Framework for equality, inclusion and participation 2020 -2030
EU Roma Strategic Framework for Equality, Inclusion and Participation for 2020-2030 sets more ambitious, measurable targets focusing on inclusion, antigypsyism and negative effect of COVID19. Vice-President Vĕra JOUROVÁ and Commissioner Helena DALLI publicly...
European Parliament adopts report on access to decent and affordable housing for all
The report, of particular relevance for Roma given its worrying housing conditions, recommends a number of measures to the European Commission and Member States. Among them, it encourages the latest to increase the use of ESI Funds to guarantee social, accessible and...
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