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Why an explicit mention to the Roma community in the ESF+ Regulation Proposal is necessary?
This reference document sets out the reasons why an explicit mention to the Roma community in the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) Regulation is a necessary condition (although not sufficient) for addressing the unequal situation that Roma still face across the...
Have your say on reinforcing social Europe
The European Commission has launched a broad consultation to support the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights and prepare the ground for the Pillar’s Action Plan (to be presented in early 2021). In particular, it invites all partners to present their...
European Parliament’s Report on EU Framework for National Strategies for Roma inclusion and equality
Elaborated by the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), it aims to contribute to the ongoing discussions on the post-2020 EU Framework/National Strategies on Roma inclusion and equality by putting forward concrete recommendations addressed to...
European Parliament study on EU Framework for National Roma Inclusion Strategies
Produced at the request of the LIBE and the EMPL Committee's, it looks at aspects such as the alignment with legal, policy and financial instruments (including ESI Funds) and the coordination, consultation and monitoring structures under the framework at national and...
Evaluation of ESF support to youth employment
This study evaluates the support provided through the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) and the European Social Fund (ESF) during the period 2014-2018. An estimated EUR 22 billion is being invested in youth employment operations for the current programming period...
Commission’s Recovery Plan: a revised 2021-2027 MFF boosted by a temporary emergency recovery instrument
It aims to help repair the immediate economic and social damage brought by the coronavirus pandemic, kickstart a recovery that is sustainable, even, inclusive and fair for all Member States, and guide and build a more sustainable, resilient and fairer Europe for the...
European Commission guide on administrative data & ESF counterfactual impact evaluations
This document is a step-by-step guide for Managing Authorities and other evaluators of ESF interventions to help them build capacity on the use of administrative data for counterfactual impact evaluations. The European Commission (Directorate-General for Employment...
European Parliament report on the social and employment situation of Roma communities in Slovakia
One of the aspects reviewed in this report, commissioned by the Parliaments' Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, is the achievements and lessons learnt on the use of EU Funds for the improvement of the lives of people from marginalised Roma communities (MRC)...
High-level Conference “Engaging citizens for good governance in Cohesion Policy”
This event, organised by European Commission's Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy, took place on 6 February 2020 in Brussels. It brought together citizens, representatives of civil society, politicians, policy-makers and academia from across the EU and...
Urgent mobilisation of ESI Funds needed to address impact of Covid-19 on marginalised Roma
This crisis is placing broad layers of the European Roma in a serious situation of vulnerability, helplessness and lack of protection of their fundamental rights. Roma are overrepresented among the most vulnerable people in the European Union and are,...
Call for MAs and IBs to participate in pilot action on citizens’ engagement in cohesion policy
You can benefit from OECD expertise and tailored assistance in setting up new initiatives to involve citizens and promote meaningful participation, transparency and accountability in planning, implementing and evaluating investment projects. Deadline: 30 April. The...
European Commission gathers Member States and civil society to discuss post-2020 EU Initiative on Roma Equality and Inclusion
EURoma´s Technical Secretariat participated in this consultation event and highlighted the need to improve the use and alignment of ESI Funds to continue strengthening policies for social inclusion, equality and non-discrimination for Roma. On 1 October, the...
European Commission seeks views on ESF support to education and training
Relevant stakeholders, including organisations involved in ESF management, are invited to share their views on activities carried out in the 2014-2018 period. The Commission wishes to know citizens’ and stakeholders’ opinion on the activities carried out since 2014 by...
EURoma holds its latest Management Committee on 21-22 November, hosted by Hungarian partners
On 21-22 November 2019, EURoma Network organised its second Management Committee meeting of 2019 in Budapest, hosted by Hungarian partners. The meeting brought together around 50 participants, including representatives of Network partner organisations (public bodies...
EURoma’s recommendations on future ESF+ Regulation
EURoma closely follows the discussions on the post-2020 EU Multiannual Financial Framework and actively contributes to them based on Network partners’ experience and ongoing reflection processes within the Network. This is EURoma's contribution to the Proposal for a...
EURoma contribution to assessment of EU Framework for NRIS
Read about EURoma's contribution to the mid-term assessment process of the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies (NRIS) launched by the European Commission. EURoma closely follows the discussions on the future of the EU Framework for NRIS and actively...
Share your views on ESF support to social inclusion, fight against poverty and discrimination
The European Commission is seeking views from relevant stakeholders, including organisations involved in the delivery of ESF and ESF operations.
Hay your say on ESF support to employment and mobility
European Commission is seeking citizens’ and stakeholders’ opinion on the activities carried out with the support from the ESF since 2014 to promote sustainable and quality employment and to support labour mobility, in line with Thematic Objective 8 (TO8). The purpose...
Workshop on Roma inclusion/ROMACT at European Week of Regions and Cities. Brussels, 11 October
Registration for the workshop “Building capacity for Roma inclusion at local level” is now open. Roma inclusion is an EU priority translated into national strategies but in many municipalities the lack of political will and administrative capacity hinders progress in...
EURoma organises European Seminar on the use of ESI Funds for the improvement of housing conditions of Roma population
On 20-21 November 2018 the EURoma Network organised the European Seminar ‘Using ESI Funds to provide adequate housing solutions for Roma families’ in Madrid (Spain). The meeting gathered Network partners -i.e. public authorities managing ESI Funds (Managing...
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