22nd-23rd November 2012 | Nicosia (Cyprus) The Equality Summit 2012 will provide evidence that equality and accessibility policies can help support growth, economic development and prosperity. It will highlight the importance of equality policies and legislation for...
8 de noviembre de 2012 | Brussels (Belgium) ROMA-NeT is a transnational partnership of nine European cities committed to improve the social inclusion and community integration of the Roma population living in their cities. Although the Roma populations in the ROMA-NeT...
11th-12th October 2012 | Budapest (Hungary) The recently launched European Network of Mayors- Mayors Making the Most of EU Funds (MERI) will celebrate its first conference on 11th-12th October 2012 in Budapest (Hungary). It will also be the occassion to announce the...
8th-10th October 2012 | Brussels (Belgium) Between 8th and 11th October 2012, Europe’s regions and cities are invited to showcase good practice in regional and urban development and discuss on the future of cohesion policy 2014-2020. Looking back over a decade...
14th June 2012 | Brussels (Belgium) EU Structural Funds are seen as an ever more valuable source of growth-enhancing investments for Member States and regions. But how can we programme and spend the funds effectively to help transform our regional economies and yield...