8 de octubre de 2010 | Brussels (Belgium)The registration for the 2010 edition of the OPEN DAYS – European Week of Regions and Cities is now open: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/conferences/od2010/reg_frame.cfm?nmenu=500 The pre-programme is available on...
2nd October 2010 | Prague, Czech Republic 19th International Steering Committee Meeting of the Decade of Roma Inclusion, organized under the Czech Decade Presidency.More info at: Roma Decade website
15th September 2010 | Budapest, HungaryAs a follow up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and the High Level Events in Budapest, Debrecen, Miskolc, Pecs and Szeged in October 2009 – and in the context of the EY2010 (fight against poverty and social exclusion), the...
9th and 10th September 2010 | Vienna, Austria A two days event organised by the European Foundation Centre.More information at: EFC website Draft agenda
28th June 2010 | Brussels, BelgiumThe Conference “Fighting Poverty, Ensuring Equality” is meant to discuss institutional tools used to fight poverty and promote the equality of Roma. The event will gather representatives of EU and national institutions as...