24 Jul 2018 | Management Committee meetings, News
On 26-27 June 2018, the EURoma Network organised its 3rd meeting of the 2014-2020 programming period in Helsinki, hosted by the Finnish Network partners.
17 Apr 2018 | Events, News, Presence in relevant fora
The 8th meeting of the Structured Dialogue with European Structural and Investment Funds’ partners group of experts will take place in Brussels on April, 24.
10 Jan 2018 | News
The European Commission (DG REGIO) has launched a public consultation to gather the views of the broader public in order to take them into account in the current process for the future Multiannual Financial Framework.
5 Dec 2017 | Management Committee meetings
The meeting gathered representatives of bodies managing European Structural and Investment funds (ESI funds) and of those in charge of roma policies from 11 member states, in addition to the european commission and the network technical secretariat (FSG)
2 Nov 2017 | EURoma Publications, News, Position papers and recommendations, Publications
Read about EURoma’s contribution to the mid-term assessment process of the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies (NRIS) launched by the European Commission. EURoma closely follows the discussions on the future of the EU Framework for NRIS and...