14 Feb 2013 | EURoma Publications, EURoma+ Publications, Reports and Guides
This practical handbook has been elaborated by the European Social Fund (ESF) Learning Network “Reinforcing policy learning for Roma inclusion” (also referred to as ‘EURoma+ Network’ or ‘ESF Roma Inclusion Network’). Together with the “Joint report on the use of...
14 Feb 2013 | EURoma Publications, EURoma+ Publications, Reports and Guides
This Report has been elaborated in the context of the European Social Fund (ESF) Learning Network “Reinforcing policy learning for Roma inclusion” (also referred to as ‘EURoma+ Network’ or ‘ESF Roma Inclusion Network’). It is, together with the Practical Handbooks...
14 Dec 2012 | EURoma Publications, Reports and Guides
This document gathers the main outcomes of a two-day meeting of EURoma Network partners to address in detail the integrated approach of programmes explicitly targeting the Roma population as well as the combination of EU funds (mainly ESF and ERDF) for such...
30 Mar 2012 | EURoma Publications, Reports and Guides
A comparative analysis of how general recommendations regarding the use of Structural Funds are translated into concrete, operational proposals for Roma social inclusion and for the improvement of Roma living conditions in the National Roma Integration Strategies...
30 Oct 2011 | EURoma Publications, Position papers and recommendations
Following the adoption by the European Commission of the ‘EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies up to 2020’ (NRIS), this position paper aims to raise awareness about the role and added value of the Structural Funds for Roma inclusion and put forward...
30 Jan 2011 | EURoma Publications, Position papers and recommendations
This position paper aims to make a relevant and informed contribution to the debate on the Structural Funds Regulations for the 2014-2020 programming period. It makes concrete proposals and identifies possible orientations on how EU financial instruments could have a...