20 Dec 2018 | EURoma Publications, Position papers and recommendations
EURoma closely follows the discussions on the post-2020 EU Multiannual Financial Framework and actively contributes to them based on Network partners’ experience and ongoing reflection processes within the Network. This is EURoma’s contribution to the Proposal...
2 Nov 2017 | EURoma Publications, News, Position papers and recommendations, Publications
Read about EURoma’s contribution to the mid-term assessment process of the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies (NRIS) launched by the European Commission. EURoma closely follows the discussions on the future of the EU Framework for NRIS and...
30 Oct 2011 | EURoma Publications, Position papers and recommendations
Following the adoption by the European Commission of the ‘EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies up to 2020’ (NRIS), this position paper aims to raise awareness about the role and added value of the Structural Funds for Roma inclusion and put forward...
30 Jan 2011 | EURoma Publications, Position papers and recommendations
This position paper aims to make a relevant and informed contribution to the debate on the Structural Funds Regulations for the 2014-2020 programming period. It makes concrete proposals and identifies possible orientations on how EU financial instruments could have a...
30 Oct 2010 | EURoma Publications, Position papers and recommendations
This document gives an overview of the existing institutional set-ups for Roma inclusion in the country partners of the Network, as well as the inter-departmental coordination mechanisms with a special focus on the relationship between these and the implementation...
30 Oct 2009 | EURoma Publications, Position papers and recommendations
The main aim of this paper is to start up a reflection process within the EURoma Network about the collection of ethnic data. It highlights the growing consensus about the importance of collecting these data and underlines the need to progress in this area in order to...