21 Jul 2020 | News, Other publications, Publications
This study evaluates the support provided through the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) and the European Social Fund (ESF) during the period 2014-2018. An estimated EUR 22 billion is being invested in youth employment operations for the current programming period...
16 Jun 2020 | EURoma Publications, Featured publications, News, Other, Publications
The majority of countries covered are already or are planning to develop special measures to address the situation within the framework of ESI Funds and other EU Funds (notably FEAD), complemented in most cases with actions funded by national resources (at national,...
1 Jun 2020 | News, Other publications, Publications
This gender-budgeting toolkit aims to help those working with EU Funds better fit their programmes to gender equality goals, strategies and regulatory frameworks at European Union and Member States level. Gender budgeting is a strategy to achieve gender equality...
29 May 2020 | News, Other, Other publications, Publications
This document is a step-by-step guide for Managing Authorities and other evaluators of ESF interventions to help them build capacity on the use of administrative data for counterfactual impact evaluations. The European Commission (Directorate-General for Employment...
15 May 2020 | News, Other publications, Publications
Produced at the request of the LIBE and the EMPL Committee’s, it looks at aspects such as the alignment with legal, policy and financial instruments (including ESI Funds) and the coordination, consultation and monitoring structures under the framework at...
10 May 2020 | News, Other publications, Partner countries, Publications
One of the aspects reviewed in this report, commissioned by the Parliaments’ Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, is the achievements and lessons learnt on the use of EU Funds for the improvement of the lives of people from marginalised Roma communities...