EURoma contribution to assessment of EU Framework for NRIS
Read about EURoma’s contribution to the mid-term assessment process of the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies (NRIS) launched by the European Commission. EURoma closely follows the discussions on the future of the EU Framework for NRIS and...New European Commission Guidance on the use of ESI Funds in tackling educational and spatial segregation
The document provides recommendations on the efficient use of ESI Funds in tackling educational and spatial segregation based on the applicable EU legislative and policy frameworks. EURoma shared its views on the drat version of the Guide.
2016 Report on Roma: pilot phase of new reporting tool for Member States and civil society
The European Commission informs about the 2016 Report on Roma, in particular about the new reporting framework template to be used by civil society and international organizations. Member States have already received the adapted template for public bodies.