This reference document identifies critical aspects to consider in the context of the Child Guarantee National Action Plans and of the 2021-2027 programming period of the European Cohesion Policy Funds 2021-2027 (notably ESF+ and ERDF) in order to guarantee that they contribute to efficiently tackle the poverty and inequality gap currently faced by Roma children.
EURoma Network releases this reference document aimed to share critical aspects to consider in the context of the Child Guarantee National Action Plans and of the 2021-2027 programming period of the European Cohesion Policy Funds (notably ESF+ and ERDF) in order to guarantee that they contribute to efficiently tackle the poverty and inequality gap currently faced by Roma children.
The explicit mention of Roma children as one of the groups facing particular disadvantages and, therefore, requiring special attention, in a mainstream instrument such as the Child Guarantee is an important step forward and an opportunity that should not be missed. It acknowledges the particular levels of inequality and disadvantage that this group faces across the EU and the need for a targeted commitment.
In addition, the EU Funds should play to achieve the goals of the Child Guarantee. This is particularly relevant in the case of the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
In this context, EURoma reference document:
- Provides an overview of the current situation of Roma children and their families, which shows their existing vulnerability and inequalities and why a targeted action is needed.
- Puts forward some proposals to make the most of the Child Guarantee National Action Plans (as well as regional plans) in relation to Roma. It is crucial to ensure that Roma children, despite being acknowledged as one of the specific groups whose needs have to be particularly taken into account, do not become diluted in the implementation of the plans.
- Shares some ideas on how to include the priorities for Roma children into the programming documents of the European Cohesion Policy Funds 2021-2027. The document focuses on how the ESF+ (through the thematic concentration requirement on child poverty) and the ERDF can contribute to tackling child poverty and inequality and in particular to the implementation of the Child Guarantee.
- Points out to the need to link the programming period with the European Semester economic and employment coordination process and notably with the priority areas identified in relation to the areas covered by the Child Guarantee.
The reference document is available here