This call for expression of interest targets public authorities responsible for managing or implementing the ERDF, CF or JTF either as managing authorities, intermediate bodies or beneficiaries jointly with civil society organisations (CSOs).

European Commission Directorate-General Regional Policy (DG REGIO) is offering for the second time technical support by experts from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to  managing authorities, intermediate bodies or beneficiaries to work in cooperation with civil society organisations to implement in an innovative way the partnership principle. Through this call, DG REGIO seeks to:

  1. test and assess the application of innovative citizen participation approaches for managing, implementing and monitoring EU funds under cohesion policy
  2. identify conditions, actions and resources necessary to build strong and long-lasting partnerships to promote citizen participation in cohesion policy
  3. collect good practices of citizen participation in cohesion policy to be shared among and beyond project partners
  4. promote peer learning and support community of practitioners.

The OECD experts will:

  1. accompany public authorities and CSOs in establishing the right methodology for participation
  2. support public authorities and CSOs in building an enabling environment for collaboration and partnership
  3. advise both public authorities and CSOs in the implementation of participatory processes

Participatory processes could include for example, deliberative processesopen innovation, participatory budgeting, civic monitoring, use of emerging technologies for participation, etc

Who can apply under this call?

The Call for expression of interest targets public authorities responsible for managing or implementing the ERDF, CF or JTF either as managing authorities, intermediate bodies or beneficiaries (hereafter public authorities) jointly with civil society organisations (CSOs). A CSO is a non-profit organisation (private or public). Natural persons are not eligible.

Deadline for submission of expression of interest: 30 November 2023.

They will be assessed until a total of 10 pilot actions under phased 2 is selected. Applicants will receive the result of the assessment within 8 weeks from reception by DG REGIO of the application from. Assistance will start from the moment the pilot action is selected.

How to apply?

The filled application form has to be submitted electronically to the following email address:


This is phase 2 of a joint initiative by DG REGIO and the OECD. In phase 1, six public authorities and their corresponding partners from the civil society started setting-up innovative participatory processes in order to involve citizens in decisions on EU investments in relation to territorial and urban strategies funded by programmes 2021-2027. Through phase 2, 10 additional pilot actions will receive support. So far 3 pilot actions under phase 2 have been selected. The remaining 7 pilot actions will be selected on a continuous basis.

Further information