Council Conclusions on access to services by people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, including Roma
On 2 December the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council adopted the Council Conclusions elaborated under the Hungarian EU Presidency on improving access to services to promote the social inclusion of people at risk of poverty or social...
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December 2024
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Commission’s Recovery Plan: a revised 2021-2027 MFF boosted by a temporary emergency recovery instrument
It aims to help repair the immediate economic and social damage brought by the coronavirus pandemic, kickstart a recovery that is sustainable, even, inclusive and fair for all Member States, and guide and build a more sustainable, resilient and fairer Europe for...
European Institute for Gender Equality releases toolkit on gender budgeting in EU Funds
This gender-budgeting toolkit aims to help those working with EU Funds better fit their programmes to gender equality goals, strategies and regulatory frameworks at European Union and Member States level. Gender budgeting is a strategy to achieve gender equality...
European Commission guide on administrative data & ESF counterfactual impact evaluations
This document is a step-by-step guide for Managing Authorities and other evaluators of ESF interventions to help them build capacity on the use of administrative data for counterfactual impact evaluations. The European Commission (Directorate-General for Employment...
European Parliament study on EU Framework for National Roma Inclusion Strategies
Produced at the request of the LIBE and the EMPL Committee's, it looks at aspects such as the alignment with legal, policy and financial instruments (including ESI Funds) and the coordination, consultation and monitoring structures under the framework at national...
European Parliament report on the social and employment situation of Roma communities in Slovakia
One of the aspects reviewed in this report, commissioned by the Parliaments' Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, is the achievements and lessons learnt on the use of EU Funds for the improvement of the lives of people from marginalised Roma communities...
Urgent mobilisation of ESI Funds needed to address impact of Covid-19 on marginalised Roma
This crisis is placing broad layers of the European Roma in a serious situation of vulnerability, helplessness and lack of protection of their fundamental rights. Roma are overrepresented among the most vulnerable people in the European Union and are,...
Call for MAs and IBs to participate in pilot action on citizens’ engagement in cohesion policy
You can benefit from OECD expertise and tailored assistance in setting up new initiatives to involve citizens and promote meaningful participation, transparency and accountability in planning, implementing and evaluating investment projects. Deadline: 30 April. The...
High-level Conference “Engaging citizens for good governance in Cohesion Policy”
This event, organised by European Commission's Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy, took place on 6 February 2020 in Brussels. It brought together citizens, representatives of civil society, politicians, policy-makers and academia from across the EU...
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