Council Conclusions on access to services by people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, including Roma
On 2 December the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council adopted the Council Conclusions elaborated under the Hungarian EU Presidency on improving access to services to promote the social inclusion of people at risk of poverty or social...
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December 2024
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EURoma meets in Athens to advance on the effective implementation of ESI Funds for Roma inclusion
On 27-28 June 2019, the EURoma Network organised its first meeting of 2019 in Athens (Greece), hosted by Greek Network partners. The meeting brought together around 60 participants, representing Network partner organisations (public bodies responsible for ESI Funds...
EURoma contributes to debate on transnationality within the European Social Fund
On 21-22 May 2019, the Technical Secretariat of EURoma and representatives of some of the Network partner managing authorities took part in the annual conference of the European Social Fund (ESF) Transnational Platform. Financed by the European Commission, this...
EURoma takes part in European Commission’s Annual Convention for Inclusive Growth
The EURoma Network (though its Technical Secretariat) participated in the fourth edition of the Annual Convention for Inclusive Growth 'The future of Social Europe post 2020', which was organised by the European Commission on 20 May in Brussels. The Annual...
EURoma shares its views on post-2020 ESF+ at Romanian EU Presidency’s High-level conference
On 11 April 2019 EURoma Technical Secretariat was invited to share its views on the post-2020 European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) at the European Conference ‘ESF+, a PLUS for our Future!’ organised in the context of the Romanian Presidency of the European Union. The...
EURoma’s views and proposals on ESF+ and on the EU Framework for NRIS
Over the last years, EURoma has been closely following the discussions and proposals on the post-2020 EU frameworks for Roma policies on the one hand and on European Structural and Investment Funds (ESI Funds). It has also actively contributed to them based on...
Upcoming EURoma meeting to be held on 27-28 June in Athens
Hosted by the Greek partners, the meeting will gather EURoma partners, as well as the European Commission and other relevant Greek actors. Participants will address different topics of relevance to contribute to the improvement of the implementation of European...
EURoma takes part in 4th EU Roma Week
Representatives of the EURoma Technical Secretariat as well as of several Network partners (notably National Roma Contact Points) took part in the 4th EU Roma Week organised under the patronage of the European Parliament and the European Commission on 18th-21st...
European Parliament backs REGI Committee’s call for explicit reference to Roma in post-2020 ERDF and Cohesion Fund Regulation
On 27 March the European Parliament plenary adopted by large majority the Committee on Regional Development (REGI Committee)'s report on the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Cohesion Fund (CF) 2021–2027. The Parliament's report clearly contributes to...
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