Council Conclusions on access to services by people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, including Roma
On 2 December the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council adopted the Council Conclusions elaborated under the Hungarian EU Presidency on improving access to services to promote the social inclusion of people at risk of poverty or social...
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Stockholm International Conference on the Discrimination and Persecution of Roma, Sinti and Travellers
5th - 7th March, 2009 | Stockholm University, Sweden The conference information is presented at Stockholm University website. The Swedish Governments human rights website To participate, send email to If you want to submit a paper you...
European Week of Regions and Cities
October 6th - 9th, 2008 | Brussels Organized by European Commission: DG Regio and DG Employment.
First Meeting of the Fundamental Rights Agency Platform
October 7th - 8th, 2008 | Vienna, Austria Agenda
EURoma+ Network Handbook “How to monitor and evaluate Roma-related initiatives under Structural and Investment Funds”
This practical handbook has been elaborated by the European Social Fund (ESF) Learning Network “Reinforcing policy learning for Roma inclusion” (also referred to as ‘EURoma+ Network’ or ‘ESF Roma Inclusion Network’). Together with the “Joint report on the use of...
EURoma+ Network Handbook “How to mainstream Roma inclusion in general programmes, projects and interventions”
This practical handbook has been elaborated by the European Social Fund (ESF) Learning Network “Reinforcing policy learning for Roma inclusion” (also referred to as ‘EURoma+ Network’ or ‘ESF Roma Inclusion Network’). Together with the “Joint report on the use of...
Culture, ethnicity and socio-economic variables; obstacles to collecting ethnic data – COST
Utrecht, 16th-17th April, 2009 | UtrechtHosted by Utrecht University (David Ingleby) and Netherlands Institute for Health Service Research NIVEL (Walter Devillé) The meeting will start on Thursday 16th April at 13.30 and end on Friday 17th at 17.00. The first topic...
EURoma + Network Joint Report on the use of Structural Funds for Roma Inclusion based on country-by-country meetings
This Report has been elaborated in the context of the European Social Fund (ESF) Learning Network “Reinforcing policy learning for Roma inclusion” (also referred to as 'EURoma+ Network' or 'ESF Roma Inclusion Network'). It is, together with the Practical Handbooks...
Third European Roma Summit
4th April | Brussels For more information, please visit the following web page:
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