Council Conclusions on access to services by people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, including Roma
On 2 December the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council adopted the Council Conclusions elaborated under the Hungarian EU Presidency on improving access to services to promote the social inclusion of people at risk of poverty or social...
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Release of “Data in focus report on Roma experiences with discrimination” – FRA
Vienna, April (tbc) | Vienna, Austria This event is organised by the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA):
Roma Decade: Empowerment of Romani Women in the Context of Contemporary Social Policies – Exchange of Experience and Good Practices
Sofia, 6th-7th April 2009 | Sofia, Bulgaria This workshop is organised by the Center for Human Resources and Regional Initiatives in the framework of the Decade of Roma Inclusion. Draft Agenda Registration...
4th meeting of High Level Group monitoring simplification for beneficiaries of ESI Funds
June 2016 (exact date to be confirmed) | Brussels (Belgium) By decision of 10 July 2015 (C(2015) 4806 ), the Commission has set up a High Level Group of Independent Experts on Monitoring Simplification for Beneficiaries of the European Structural and Investment...
4th Meeting of Structured Dialogue with ESI Funds Partners Group of Experts
April 2016 (exact date to be confirmed) | Brussels (Belgium)Participation restricted to the members of the Group of Experts.
3rd meeting of High Level Group monitoring simplification for beneficiaries of ESI Funds
2nd February 2016 | Brussels (Belgium) By decision of 10 July 2015 (C(2015) 4806 ), the Commission has set up a High Level Group of Independent Experts on Monitoring Simplification for Beneficiaries of the European Structural and Investment Funds. The task of the...
Launch meeting of ESF Thematic Network on social economy
12th-13th January 2016 | Brussels (Belgium) Meeting only open to ESF Managing Authorities.
New European Commission Guidance on the use of ESI Funds in tackling educational and spatial segregation
The document provides recommendations on the efficient use of ESI Funds in tackling educational and spatial segregation based on the applicable EU legislative and policy frameworks. EURoma shared its views on the drat version of the Guide.
EURoma holds its last partners’ meeting of the 2007-2013 programming period in Madrid
Hosted by the Spanish ESF Managing Authority, the meeting aimed to identify the main challenges for the implementation phase and review how transnational cooperation and the EURoma Network could help Member States to address them.
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