Council Conclusions on access to services by people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, including Roma
On 2 December the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council adopted the Council Conclusions elaborated under the Hungarian EU Presidency on improving access to services to promote the social inclusion of people at risk of poverty or social...
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December 2024
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Council adopts EU legislation to strengthen the role of equality bodies to combat discrimination
The two new Drirectives should improve the effectiveness and guarantee the independence of these bodies to promote equal treatment, combat discrimination and provide assistance to victims, including on the basis of ethnic origin. After a process lasting several...
9th European Cohesion Policy Forum gathers relevant stakeholders to discuss on post-2027 period
The European Commission organised on 11-12 April the 9th Cohesion Forum with a view to gather relevant stakeholders (including EU institutions, national, regional and local authorities from all Member States, social and economic partners, non-governmental...
Report on Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion: achievements, challenges and lessons learned
On 27 March the European Commission published the 9th Cohesion Report on Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion presenting an assessment of the state of cohesion in the Union thirty years after the parallel launch of the European Single Market and of a...
FRA report on compliance of EU Funds with fundamental rights
This report reflects on how to guarantee that the funds covered by the Common Provisions Regulations (CPR) 2021-2027 are used in a manner that promotes and respects fundamental rights and does not lead to or enhance any violations of such rights. To this end, it...
Report of Group of High-Level Specialists on the Future of Cohesion Policy
The report aims to assess the functioning of Cohesion Policy up to now and put forward recommendations on how to ensure that it continues to promote prosperity and convergence across the EU beyond 2027. Recommendations will feed into the ongoing process of...
2023 European Commission Summary Report on the Implementation of ESI Funds
The report reviews the implementation of ESI Funds (ESF, ERDF, CF, EAFRD and EMFF) until the end of 2022, building upon the annual implementation reports submitted by the Member States, as well as the evaluations done by the Commission.It also makes reference to...
Contribute to European Commission’s mid-term evaluation on ESF+
In the framework of the ESF+ mid-term evaluation, the European Commission is seeking views on effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and EU added value of the ESF+ since its entry into force until end 2023. The consultation is open until 13 February. The...
European Commission calls for evidence on implementation of NRIS
The aim is to gather views from a broad range of stakeholders on Member States’ measures to promote equality, inclusion and participation of Roma, with a special focus on the use of the Funds. Deadline for contribution is 2 February 2024. On 5 January 2024 the...
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