Council Conclusions on access to services by people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, including Roma
On 2 December the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council adopted the Council Conclusions elaborated under the Hungarian EU Presidency on improving access to services to promote the social inclusion of people at risk of poverty or social...
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December 2024
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Next EURoma Management Committee meeting will take place in Stockholm
24 and 25 September 2009 | Stockholm, SwedenThe next EURoma Management Committee meeting will take place in Stockholm, 24-25 September. The Management Committee will plan foreseen Working Group activities for the coming months, including the organisation of a...
17th International Steering Committee Meeting of the Decade of Roma Inclusion
23-23 September 2009 | Spisska Nova Ves, SlovakiaThe 17th International Steering Committee Meeting of the Decade of Roma Inclusion, organised under the Slovak Decade Presidency, takes place on the 22nd and 23rd of September 2009 in Spisska Nova Ves.The Steering...
Study Visits arranged by the EU Centre for Vocational Training
Turkey/Hungary Oct, 2009 | Turkey or HungaryThe call for applications for the study visits 2009/10 is over. About 2,600 education and training specialists from 33 European countries will participate in 237 study visits between September 2009 and June 2010.Study...
International Conference on Roma Health
11th and 12th September 2009 | Košice, Slovakia For more details please click here Registration and other relevant...
Protecting freedom of movement and human rights of Roma
9th July 2009 | Strasbourg, FranceThe Joint CHR, FRA and OSCE Preparatory Working Seminar for a Conference on protecting the freedom of movement and human rights of Roma in Europe took place on the 9th of July 2009 in Strasbourg. The event’s main objective was the...
“Integration of minorities: The Rroma”
10th June 2009 | Brussels, BelgiumThe purpose of the event is to give EU officials, civil society representatives and wider EU audiences a special opportunity to learn about the impact of selected EESC opinions on European, and in particular Rroma, integration. The...
Second Meeting of the National Network for the Social and Working Inclusion of the Roma
8th June 2009 | Rome, ItalyThe second Meeting of the National Network for the Social Inclusion of the Roma was held in Rome on the 8th of June 2009, promoted by the Directorate-General for Guidance and Training Policies of the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social...
CoE 13th training session for lawyers defending Roma
Strasbourg, 28th-29th May, 2009 | Strasbourg, FranceOrganised by the Council of Europe Roma and Travellers Division, European Court of Human Rights, ERRC.For submission of additional information, please contact: or...
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