Read about EURoma’s views and proposals regarding a potential EU Framework for Roma equality and inclusion after 2020.

EURoma closely follows the discussions on the future of the current EU Framework for National Roma Inclusion Strategies (NRIS) and actively contributes to them.

This document builds upon EURoma partners’ experience as well as the reflection processes that have taken place within the Network over the last years on this topic. EURoma discussions and proposals have been reflected in different documents, such as EURoma’s contribution to assessment of EU Framework for NRIS in November 2017.

The document recalls why a renewed EU Framework is necessary and puts forward proposals on how it could be reformed to consider the lessons learnt during the implementation of the current EU Framework (achievements and challenges) and the changes in the social and political context since its adoption in 2011.

Finally, it analyses how to best connect the EU Framework/NRIS with ESI Funds as key financial and political instruments to promote Roma inclusion and to meet the objectives of the future EU action and National Strategies. To this end, it is essential to maintain the recognition of the role of ESI Funds (mainly ESF+ and ERDF-CF but also other funds) in the post-2020 EU action/National Strategies and to reinforce the alignment, complementarity and coordination between these two instruments, connecting the financial and the policy sides.

Read Full EURoma’s document