25 Jun 2022 | Events, Management Committee meetings, News
EURoma Network organised its online Management Committee meeting on 14-15 June. The meeting gathered representatives of Network partner organisations (public bodies responsible for European Cohesion Policy Funds -mainly ESF/ESF+ and ERDF- and those in charge of Roma...
2 Jul 2021 | Featured news, Management Committee meetings, News
Partners reviewed the latest EU developments and discussed on key elements to be considered in the 2021-2027 EU Cohesion Funds programmes to ensure they effectively consider Roma population. EURoma Network held its latest Management Committee meeting on 29-30 June...
19 Oct 2020 | Management Committee meetings, News
On 14-15 October 2020, the EURoma online Network Management Committee shared information and views on the new EC Strategic Framework for Roma Equality, and put together strategic ideas for programming EU Funds aligned with Roma Policy Priorities. With over 70...
22 Jul 2020 | News, Presence in relevant fora
Elaborated by the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), it aims to contribute to the ongoing discussions on the post-2020 EU Framework/National Strategies on Roma inclusion and equality by putting forward concrete recommendations addressed to...
15 May 2020 | News, Other publications, Publications
Produced at the request of the LIBE and the EMPL Committee’s, it looks at aspects such as the alignment with legal, policy and financial instruments (including ESI Funds) and the coordination, consultation and monitoring structures under the framework at...