6 Oct 2023 | News, Other publications, Publications
The purpose of this study is to assess the legal and practical challenges in accessing and re-using administrative data, including data related to ethnic origin, for the purposes of monitoring and evaluation of ESF and ESF+ programmes. This study aims to assess...
25 Jun 2022 | Events, Management Committee meetings, News
EURoma Network organised its online Management Committee meeting on 14-15 June. The meeting gathered representatives of Network partner organisations (public bodies responsible for European Cohesion Policy Funds -mainly ESF/ESF+ and ERDF- and those in charge of Roma...
29 May 2020 | News, Other, Other publications, Publications
This document is a step-by-step guide for Managing Authorities and other evaluators of ESF interventions to help them build capacity on the use of administrative data for counterfactual impact evaluations. The European Commission (Directorate-General for Employment...